Cap Royal Wine

Cap Royal is a Bordeaux wine produced by the Compagnie Médocaine des Grands Crus, a renowned wine company in the Bordeaux region of France. It takes its name from the Royal Cordouan Lighthouse 12, which is the oldest lighthouse in Europe and is located at the entrance of the Gironde Estuary.

Cap Royal wines are known for their quality and value. They offer a range of Bordeaux wines, including the Cap Royal Bordeaux Supérieur. This wine is a blend of traditional Bordeaux grape varieties, such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. It is aged in oak barrels, which adds complexity and depth to the wine. Cap Royal Bordeaux Supérieur is often described as approachable and expressive, with notes of red berries, vanilla, and oak spice. It pairs well with a variety of dishes, including beef and venison.

Cap Royal wines have received positive reviews from critics and have won awards, such as the Mundus Vini Gold award. The winemaking expertise of Jean René Matignon, winemaker of Château Pichon Baron, a prestigious Grand Cru Class property in Pauillac, contributes to the quality and reputation of Cap Royal wines.

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